July 16, 2024

There is a great cost to becoming a disciple of Jesus Christ. Initially starting out on the journey there is a lot of energy and excitement about the promises and possabilities concerning your future with Him. As you start to grow in a relationship with Him your troubles begin. You study the bible and pray seeking for God to communicate with you but folks around you who have already given up on the journey will start to put stones in your path that make it uncomfortable to continue to walk the path of discipleship. These men and women are everywhere and are very opinionated. The truth is that your youthful excitement about our Lord offends them. Many of them have already decided that truly being a disciple of Jesus and walking by His Holy Spirit is to much sacrifice without enough gain. A lot of them have chosen pathways in life that are biblical and successful without being Spirit lead.  This allows them to keep their friendship with the worldly folks they are unwilling to offend or give up for our Lord. Full of false doctrines and teaching they will try and trap you in a form of godliness while denying the power of Godliness who is Jesus Holy Spirit. To put it plain and simple a biblical lifestyle without walking in God's Spirit is simply self indulgent and prideful. It will make you nothing less than modern pharisee full of wickedness that is hidden deep inside underneath self righteous indulgences. This is the path many have chosen. Be aware of them and do not let them have a bit of influence over you. Often they are folkes in your church, family, work environment. This is why our Lord said in Luke 14:26-27 that if are going to come to Him we have to choose Him above all, "and hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sister, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be my disciple. Whoever does not carry his own cross and come after me cannot be my disciple". If we are going to truly follow Him we will upset the many who are broken down along the path and unwilling to repent from their lives to follow Jesus. They want you to stop and join in their misery. Keep following Jesus no matter how great the cost is.

Take time to pray, asking God to work in you so that you are brave and can walk with him no matter the financial, social, or relational cost.


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